Slavery, Minor Cause?

As a child, you may have been told that Slavery was the cause of the Civil War, and that Abraham Lincoln freed slaves out of the good of his heart. This is hardly true. One interesting fact you may not have known that is that Abraham Lincoln did not believe that whites and blacks could live together, his original plan was to free slaves and segregate the two populations by moving all Africans in America to Central America. Furthermore, less than 10% of all southerners even owned slaves, and most slaves fought for the South willingly, knowing of Lincolns plan. By the early 1800s many people started to fully grasp the reality of slavery, and considered it wrong. This was the start of abolitionist movements, even in the south. But most southerners considered slavery very profitable. One reason Lincoln freed slaves is to gain foreign allies, who would not side with the north if they still kept slaves, the north made a line dividing the south and the north, any states even touching the northern side had to abolish slavery. (Which is why Texas has a pan handle, they made the state smaller to stay under the "no slave" line.)